Welcome to Igbobi Chambers

Ayoade Elesinnla is an advocate of employees’ rights and specialises in Claimant only employment work. He was called to the Bar in 2000.

Ayoade was previously a shop steward for the TGWU and from the
mid-1990s until the early 2000s he was a representative for the Free Representation Unit. For the year 2000/2001 he recovered the highest amount of compensation for his clients amongst FRU reps and usually took on cases which other reps avoided as they seemed doomed to failure.

He has gained a reputation as a strong advocate, particularly in
discrimination cases. He lives in the South East of England and is based at 218 Strand but is happy to travel throughout the UK.

He was called to The Bar of Northern Ireland in 2009.

Ayoade is particularly interested in the following areas of employment law:

Unfair dismissal
Transfer of undertakings
Unlawful deductions from wages
Breach of contract
Working time regulations
Race discrimination
Sex discrimination
Disability discrimination

Ayoade likes to become involved in cases from the outset because he believes that discrimination claims in particular have a better chance of success if they have counsel’s involvement from the internal grievance stage. Ayoade also believes that team work is vital to the successful outcome of discrimination cases and therefore, he is very approachable and welcomes telephone calls to discuss matters.

He appears regularly at the Employment Appeal Tribunal and has a number of reported cases on the EAT website and the official law reports.

Ayoade is a committed Liverpool football fan. He is also a cyclist and follows all the main European tours.